From Sebastian Els, 18 May 2007: Wind direction corrections: --------------------------- The wind directions of the sonics at 7m need to be corrected by a constant additive offset: T1: 0.0 T2: +90. T3: -90. T4: -90. T6: -90. --- +90 degrees need to be added to all tower sonic wind direction measurements --- T2 correction values (offset) for 2m weather station (AWS) data: ;a2 = julday(01, 23, 2005, 20, 18, 2) ;mm = min((t2weatherdata(0,*) - a2), ab, /absolute) ;t2weatherdata(10, 0:ab) = (t2weatherdata(10, 0:ab) - 210. + 360.) mod 360 ;;;; correct windspeed T2 Feb - Sep 2006 ;jd1 = julday(02, 01, 2006, 00, 00, 00) ;jd2 = julday(02, 28, 2006, 23, 59, 59) ;corrtimes = where(t2weatherdata(0,*) ge jd1 and t2weatherdata(0,*) le jd2) ;t2weatherdata(10,corrtimes) = t2weatherdata(10,corrtimes) + 90. + 60. ;jd1 = julday(03, 01, 2006, 00, 00, 00) ;jd2 = julday(03, 31, 2006, 23, 59, 59) ;corrtimes = where(t2weatherdata(0,*) ge jd1 and t2weatherdata(0,*) le jd2) ;t2weatherdata(10,corrtimes) = t2weatherdata(10,corrtimes) + 90. + 55. ;jd1 = julday(04, 01, 2006, 00, 00, 00) ;jd2 = julday(06, 30, 2006, 23, 59, 59) ;corrtimes = where(t2weatherdata(0,*) ge jd1 and t2weatherdata(0,*) le jd2) ;t2weatherdata(10,corrtimes) = t2weatherdata(10,corrtimes) + 90. + 20. ;jd1 = julday(07, 01, 2006, 00, 00, 00) ;jd2 = julday(09, 30, 2006, 23, 59, 59) ;corrtimes = where(t2weatherdata(0,*) ge jd1 and t2weatherdata(0,*) le jd2) ;t2weatherdata(10,corrtimes) = t2weatherdata(10,corrtimes) + 90. - 90. ;neg = where(t2weatherdata(10,*) lt 0.0) ;pos = where(t2weatherdata(10,*) gt 360.0) ;if neg(0) ne (-1) then t2weatherdata(10,neg) = t2weatherdata(10,neg) + 360. ;if pos(0) ne (-1) then t2weatherdata(10,pos) = t2weatherdata(10,pos) - 360. T3 AWS: ;jd1 = julday(04, 05, 2006, 19, 38, 0) ;jd2 = julday(07, 06, 2006, 22, 00, 00) ;corrtimes = where(t3weatherdata(0,*) ge jd1 and t3weatherdata(0,*) le jd2) ;t3weatherdata(10,corrtimes) = t3weatherdata(10,corrtimes) - 90. ;neg = where(t3weatherdata(10,*) lt 0.0) ;pos = where(t3weatherdata(10,*) gt 360.0) ;if neg(0) ne (-1) then t3weatherdata(10,neg) = t3weatherdata(10,neg) + 360. ;if pos(0) ne (-1) then t3weatherdata(10,pos) = t3weatherdata(10,pos) - 360. T6 AWS: ;t6weatherdata = readweather('T6data/T6weather-010605-300407.dat', -155.481, 19.833) ;a1 = julday(08, 08, 2005, 00, 0, 0) ; bad winddirection times ;a2 = julday(12, 02, 2005, 00, 0, 0) ; ;ff1 = min(abs(t6weatherdata(0,*)-a1), minf1) ;ff2 = min(abs(t6weatherdata(0,*)-a2), minf2) ;t6weatherdata(10, minf1:minf2) = 9999. ; to be filtered out